Or guys. Badly.
I used to be very independent. Currently there is no man staying with us. Us as in my grandma, my aunt and me. Yeap, there are only 3 ladies in the house.
Basically, I have to do most of the man's stuff. Aiya whatever man's stuff you can think about la. Like, changing the bulbs. What else? There isn't much stuff which categorised as man's stuff anyway.
Too bad I'm an idiot when it comes to this.=.=
No. I suck when it comes to scientific stuff. I'm sure that this has something to do with physics and chemistry.
And... everything is black in color. -_______-
So this was what happened. It was raining like shit (I prefer shit than cats and dogs, can or not?) when I was on the way to church. I even forgotten that I turned on the headlight when I got off from my car, hence, I didn't turn it off la. Hmm I shouldn't be blamed lor, blame the dashboard instead. It doesn't look as if I have turned on the light. And blame those auto sensor system. If I don't turn the headlight off when I get off, the system of my Wira will toss me a reminder - a very high pitch 'deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' sound. But this car, no, nothing, didn't inform me at all.
Well, the battery ran dead. Aiyerrrrrrr.
Yea. So that was the very first time I feel that I need a guy. Or guys. Or a guy with a car.
So I went to approach those churchmates, Jason, Marcus, John, Seh Weng and a guy (don't know his name) who were still hanging there. And tadaaaaa~!! Everything solved within 10 minutes. Whoa. Guys are always awesome when it comes to cars.
Positive negative positive negative, red black red black...I know that's something very simple but yerrr... it's complicated for me. Yes I understand that there are colors to differentiate the positive and negative thingy, but... I'm still blur. Perhaps I should take up some mechanic course in the next term break. Haiz.
Thank you guys~!! *Big bow* Without their assistance, I would have to walk all the way to donno-where to reload my phone. Haih my phone always run out of credit.
Well ya I know they won't be reading, but anyway, just an acknowledgement for their effort.
Psst, guys always look very macho when they are fixing cars. Haha.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The very first time I feel that I need a guy
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
9:03 PM
wrote a note
Labels: Diary, Stupid stuff I did
The actual day
So this is the most frequently asked question on/after your birthday.
'So how was your birthday?'
I will gonna answer that I celebrated it earlier. Hence didn't celebrate on the actual day.
There will be two possibly asked questions.
1. 'So how was the celebration?'
Wow. Long story. Refer to this post. Nyaha.
2. 'So what did you do on the actual day?'
Nah. That's the point of this post. I just gonna say go read my blog whenever people ask me.
This morning, my friends asked me out for badminton.
I thought that the weather was very good, not too sunny not too hot, thus I decided to go swimming instead of playing badminton.
Aiya the badminton court and the swimming pool are the facilities of the same condominium anyway. Could join them anytime if I wish to, which, I did later.
I suck in playing badminton. I started to learn at my age of 20 because I did not like to play games which I wasn't good at. Wakaka.
I still suck anyway. I wasn't playing basically, they were coaching me on how to play haha.
Mmm, after their coaching, I still.. suck. Anyway.
Later on, went McD's. Toby spent me, kononnya to celebrate my birthday.
I followed them to CC because they've got no enough players for dota. There were five of them, and they need one more player to form a team. Well ya, that was how I got dragged into their game. I'm not a regular. To be honest, that was my very first time playing dota in a CC. =.=
It was damn hilarious la. An absolute friendly match. Freaky friendly. The opponent who sat beside me would warn me that when he approached me, so that I could run off. They would even taught me what item to buy. After all they just need another player. Haha.
Horrible game, man. We played two games anyway. Next time I will ask my brothers to teach me. I did ask my ex to teach me but for some reasons, he didn't get to do it eeee...
Now I truly understand why are guys so addicted to dotaing at cc. Playing at cc is definitely different with dotaing via garena at home. Without those screaming shouting cursing laughing teasing, dota is just another boring game. In addition, there are too many leavers on Garena. Alar no sportmanship at all.
After 2 hours of playing, we went home masing-masing. I took a nap, and showered, and here I am, typing this post while watching tv.
Oh what a dull day. Swim-badminton-dota-sleep. Basically that was how I spent my day~ Quite happy though hehe~~
Happy birthday to me~ Nyahaha.
Whoalamak... too obsessed with myself...
Happy independence day Malaysia!!!
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
8:28 PM
wrote a note
Labels: Diary, friends, Occasion/Event
I'm 21~~ I'm legal for lotsa stuff
Hmm??!! hmm??!!
It's 12.14a.m., 31st August 2008.
'Why are you home?' People are shocked when they see me on msn.
Yea right, what am I doing here?
Thought I was supposed to be hanging out there with friends?
Why am I so not happening?
This is so not me... Haih... Getting older. What to do. Sick with all those excitement.
Nay..I am fully blessed you see. I had some really lovely celebrations before this. I mean, really, really lovely.
1. Family
Yeap. For more details, click here.
It happened on the 24th~~
Sad, dad mom xx lenggirl zhiboy.. all of them are not here. But they did wish me via sms~ wakaka.
*update* aunt brought us to Hilton hotel for dimsum lunch and Delicious for teatime. Haih I'm so stingy I normally won't go those kinds of atas places you know.Me pretending.
Aunt, grandma, aunt
2. Ex highschool mates
Wakaka. My favourite gang.
So my grandma wish to invite my friends over (alot!! And I don't know why), hence, I had these problems (click if you really wish to know).Problems solved at last. I still can cook. *proud. nod wisely*
Nay. I didn't cook everything anyway. My grandmom cooked most of 'em. Wakaka. I'm a good assistant.Why highlight sushis? Because I made 'em. *again. Proud.*
Anyway, this is my plan - come over my place, have dinner, then tailgate my neighbour's car to Malaysia International Firework Competition - my neighbours know the best spot. MIFC has nothing to do with the celebration, it's just some self preference. I watched it with my neighbours last year, and I would really love to share the excitement with my favourite gang. Wakaka.
Break. Pictures. Words later.Chin Hong, the one in red, also been given birth on the same day, same hospital. Might have seen each other before.
Ying Huey the bestie and Mooi Jou the pictures provider. Credits to her~ And that was my neighbour who led us to the best spot at MIFC. Me behind the mask.
From left: Zhen Cheq, Toby, Jia Liang, Chee Hoe. Can't really see them. Whatever.
Me. Whoolamak. Not sure why that face.
Alright continue.
So that was my luck, everything turned out to be super perfect!! Those who had decided not to go to MIFC did go at last~ Alright it's not entirely for me, we did it for our long lost friend Chin Hong too, who was also borned on the same day.
My friends blamed me for not buying cake because conventionally, the host shall prepare her own cake... But but.. I really don't like it when ppl sing the birthday song.
Finally, they bought and brought the cake all the way to Putrajaya, and it turned out to be some combination of yogurt + milo powders (originally, raspberry cheesecake) as we decided to eat it after the 20-minute show. And oh, they forgotten the candles. Haha.
In a nutshell, everything went perfectly - as how I have expected. It sailed on so smooth, unbelievably smooth. Oh, except for they were late for an hour for the dinner and they didn't really enjoy the dinner. Hmm... I truly, deeply understand that. I won't blame them. Hmm.
*pictures later*
3. Church mates
Wow did you mean .. c-h-u-r-c-h??
Hmm... Yeap. For how could I be related to a church, refer to this post and this post.
Anyway, I went to the church again - it was a boring afternoon and I have got nothing better to do and I miss them and really wish to see them again.
In the end of the day, the chairman of the day suddenly announced that it will be my birthday on the next day, and someone brought out 3 slices of OREO cheesecake!! And the next thing, birthday song. Yes, yes, I know, only those from the same group know who I am, but still, aiyerrr... so sweet man...A very surprised me. With oreo cheesecake!! aiyerrr.. People who bought this is a genius~~
Couldn't really remember what happened next, as I was truly surprised by 'em. Never ever expected that they would have done something like that to a newcomer.
And it's OREO!!!!! Aiyerrr... You know, oreo cheesecake and oreo milkshake is always my first choice whenever I go to secret receipe. Aiyerrrr.... what a beautiful coincidence~!!!
*no picture*
Wasn't that lovely? I am truly blessed~~~
Thank you for what you have done for me... Really thank you people~!!!!
I can't name you one by one, *cover mouth, sniff* but really... thank you...
*wet eyes*
[p/s: this somehow reminds me of my 17th birthday. That day, I hung out till 3am++ and had to march for National Day celebration at Putrajaya in the next morning, at 6am. Imma tough cookie wakaka. In the end of the day, while returning to the headquarter, I fall asleep in the bus.
All of the sudden, I was awaken by birthday song, and found that the whole bunch of the members were singing~~ I haven't even met them before... Gotta thank my senior who planned that very short celebration. Well, I did treat it as celebration. haha.
That was so remarkable aiyerr...]
Anyway, tomorrow will be the actual day. So this is my plan. In the morning, I will play badminton with my highschool mates, and then go for a movie with 'em. Haha. Lousy plan on a national day.
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
12:12 AM
wrote a note
Labels: Diary, family, friends, heartie, Occasion/Event, Pictures
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tomorrow, tomorrow. Yea. Result.
*Update update update update update!!!!
Just checked online...
I pass!!
P-A-S-S!!!! (albeit sucks)
but still... PASS!!!!!!!!
Aiyo... able to sleep very very tight tonight
I will be going to the first year (yea it's intermediate now), studying something new!! Yay yay yay yay yay!!!* [11.11pm 28-8-2008]
Anxiety crawls from top to toe. Fingers keep trembling even while typing.
Tomorrow will be the day.
Make it through or otherwise, I will still appreciate miss you guys.
Do miss me too.
All the best.
Deep trouble
Haih still don't know what to cook tomorrow.
No wonder you guys suggested potluck.
No wonder you guys wanna have something before you come.
No wonder you guys showed me that shocking expression when I said I'm gonna cook.
Looking for those online recipe now.
Aiya shall just call 1300-13-1300. Or just throw one at their place.
It's just 2km away from my place.
You guys lovin' it too.
I don't have to cook. -______________-
Anyway, be prepared for all the instant food.=.=
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
3:12 PM
wrote a note
Labels: food, friends, Occasion/Event, Stupid stuff I did
I'm not stupid.
(eh eh. I'm not talking about my results kay?)
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
12:02 AM
Labels: emo, Stupid stuff I did
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I love my job
It's so boring when it's not a working day. Well ya, relaxing myself to the max but somehow it's boring. Suppose to be listening to those fragmented melodies now, but the music centre is having term break. Yea, that's why. Bored at home.
I love my job. Despite all those screaming shouting scolding advising lecturing etc etc you could hear from my room, I still love my job.
My lectures do make them cry. It only works on kids below 12 anyway. No they won't cry if I shout on them. But if I say things like,
'do you know that your parents earn very hard to send you here?'
'if you are really not interested, just let me know kay?'
'why do you think your parents bought the piano for? to be decoration?'
'do you know how many bowls of mee you can buy with your tuition fees?'
(I know this is funny, and I do understand they don't really understand that. But I just somehow said it out. Did your piano teacher do the same to you too?)
yea, they will be teary~~ wakaka...
Anyway, show you guys my youngest students.So cute you can't resist them. They are in the same class. Both of them are 6. The girl prefer playing piano while the guy loves doing theory work (well, stickers and coloring, you know).
Each of them will purposely shout, 'Teacher, I tell you something, but you don't tell Anderson/Ashley.'
And they will start whispering. Normally it's about where will they hangout in the weekend or what movie they will watch or have watched. So cute~~~
I wish that they stay in my class so that I can be their matchmaker nyahaha.
And my oldest student, Jol Ann.She is 4 years younger than me so we talk about almost everything. We share her (well I don't reveal much of myself nyaha. Imma good listener) matters arise from relationship, academic, friendship, etc.etc. So it's like me and my ex-teacher too. =)
Oh show you guys my cutest ex-students in KK. I left them because I was coming back to KL.
Walao. This girl is super talkative you know. She asked about EVERYTHING. Ya, including relationship. And she is only 5. Woow.
The brothers who wear the same outfits EVERYTIME. Well they are not triplets.Neh you see I'm wearing blazer because it is provided. Looks more like a piano teacher wor. Luckily I can wear t-shirt and jeans (even bermuda shorts~~ ^^) at my current workplace nyahaha.
Oh and my colleagues. We have been knowing each others for 6 years. Freaking 6 years! Oh my gosh people, time flies. I feel that the MYUSGA performance is some yesterday thingy. Lots had happened among us. Had crush, and crashed; in a relationship, and broken. I miss those days. They were the one who started my midnight mamak session - that's why my family hate them LOL. Well I was 16, most of my friends didn't go out late night that time (btw I'm still having curfew at my age of 21).
We don't talk much now. Everyone is busy with their work (except for me who is like damn free now=.=). It's been so long since we go Ahmad Mahyideen (favourite mamak spot). =(Our hottest topic is to gossip about students. Muahahahaha.
And my ex-colleague from Century Music Centre. My farewell =(.So wanna go back and visit them now.
Oh my workplace.
Nay. This is not my room. I was just replacing my friend. I 'm not sure what is this big mirror for.
This is like a waiting area for students. And oh, during 1 week or 2 before theory exam, there will be lotsa students sitting here, doing extra pass year questions. Just don't understand why can't they do it at home duh.
Yay this is my room. Spacious, clean, comfort~ Could be too cold at times.
One bad thing about my job. I could never keep my nails. Well you know, role model.
No way.
That's why...
Wakaka. Removing it while driving to work. Totally forgotten before work.
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
5:48 PM
wrote a note
Labels: Pictures, workaholic
Recently, I fall *hopelessly* for a guy.
He is someone whom I have met for not more than 5 times.
I don't even know his name, his age, yadda yadda when I FEEL like I like him.
And a friend describe my feeling for him as infatuation.Infatuation. Definitely. (source here)
I don't believe in love at first sight.
Anyway, before him, I've infatuated over 38785 guys. So this isn't really a big deal. Haha.
Before I get to know this word, I describe it as 'temporary feeling'. (yayaya, my vocab is limited). So if you have the chance to read my diary, you will bump into countless 'temporary feeling' in those pages. Those were those high school days anyway.
Now I'm 21. I'm still infatuating someone.
Sigh. Why am I still so high-schooled? Yea. I won't mind if you say me childish.
Oh btw, will let you guys know when my infatuation over him ends. Soon. Maybe the day after tomorrow.
p/s: Oh!!! That's the song by Maroon 5!! I never know infatuation is the name!!!
*update (12 hours after the entry): this is just not so right. Shall stop the feeling from flowing further~ Muahaha~*
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
1:22 AM
Labels: Blablabla, relationship
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I am happy... again
*update: so there were some people who wished me happy birthday after i published this post.
I really appreciate it. Thank you. =)
But my birthday doesn't fall on 24th haha
It was a very very early celebration*
Happy, not happy, happy, not happy.
I'm so emotional la aiyak.
Now I am happy. You see, I have used to compare myself to the others.
Haih I wish I were her.
Haih how come she can do this while I can't.
Haih how come she is so lovable.
Haih.. this and that. Yadda yadda yadda. Never satisfied.
Now I realise that I really do not need to compare. Being me is good enough.
At least there are people who aware of my existence. They still remember me~!!
Look, this is my aunty and her family. They brought two pizzas and a tiramisu (which is one of my favourite) to celebrate my birthday!
See, my cousins were forced to sing birthday song. They have to because mommy said no song, no pizza. Ngek ngek ngek.Food food and food. Those were cheesetarts and eggtarts baked by my grandma.
Nah my lovely grandma.. and my aunt.
Awww..... This is so sweet you see... I have never expected that they were coming over to celebrate my birthday when she called me today. She just told me that she was gonna visit us and asked me if I would be at home.
*sniff* they remember that when I'm really not too close to them...
That's not all. My neighbour came over and asked me if I wanna join them for watching Malaysia International Firework Competition. Again, they still remember me~!! It was their family gathering kind of thing and they asked me to join them~ (actually last year they did ask me to join them and it was when I fall for firework performance.)
Nah. The view from my seat.
Wooi. Windy. *take out camera fast and takes picture*
*sniff* why is everyone treating me so good?
I suddenly feel so glad to be myself. =) Thank you everyone~~ Thank you~~
*the blog has became more like a personal diary. =.= nothing better to do. that's why*
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
11:31 PM
wrote a note
Labels: Diary, family, friends, heartie, Occasion/Event, Pictures
Song Fest
Haih. Cheryl is not happy now.
It's over =(
Cheryl was the photographer
Cheryl forced the group to take pictures with her
Cheryl with the Thunder group
Cheryl and the group were not doing that 'victory' pose. They were showing that they got 2nd place overall.
Cheryl kinda hate her camera at times. =(
Cheryl was over expressive
Cheryl and the two kids
Cheryl was over excited and forced the kid to take picture with her
Cheryl grabbed Yen Ling to take picture with her
Cheryl and YLs
Cheryl proud to be bulb
Cheryl's donno-what-does-it-mean expressionThe end =(
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
7:14 PM
wrote a note
Labels: Blablabla, Occasion/Event, Pictures
Music is so magical
Continued from this entry.
Apparently I wanted to write about something but I thought that it wasn't the right time.
Now, it's still not the right time. =.= I have completed the post and have saved it as draft but I didn't publish it.
I've sworn upon the result of my hair color that I will write about it in 3 days time.
Yea, my hair looks so black now - where my desired result is burgundy.
So that's how the formula go:
- I will have to write about it, otherwise my haircolor wouldn't turn to be very nice
- Now I don't have very stunning haircolor, thus I won't have to write about it.
The end of the story.
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
12:14 PM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I wanna shout it out because I'm so happy
Yea you must have thought that I've gone mad because I just broke up and I am happy like that. And ya I know you must have thought that I purposely say all these things to hide my feelings - the sorrow which is deep down inside there.
No!! You are wrong~!!!
My title is inspired by the lyric of some song. Anyway will talk about it later.
*Last Night*
Outing with besties
I am happy. I went out with two besties who did not believe that I am single~~ I know I sound unhappy but I'm not. If you want to insist that I am unhappy okay lar. But pictures would do all the sayings.
I wanna shout it out because I'm so happy that Mei Yi brought me a Hot Pink elephant (which is currently attached on my black and white oversized tote) from Thailand.Feel like cutting off that ugly pout. super pale without lippie. Eyes also super small without all eyeliner and eyeshadow. Arms are muscular if you haven't noticed. Walao.
I wanna shout it out because I am so happy that I was be able to meet them before they fly off again!I lurve them to bits~ =p
'I am so happy to have you guys as my friends!!'
Professional Development Programme
I wanna shout it out that I am so happy that I have attended a professional development programme (sounds pro, but it's just a seminar which could be attended by any piano teacher) which I was extremely satisfied with. I thought the whole thing would be boring, I thought I would be damn sleepy like how I felt in the last seminar (back to 4 years ago). But no! The presenters have some really great sense of humour and I was pretty amused by their presentation. And I had some really good food for lunch wakaka. Didn't manage to take any picture of the food because I was too hungry.
Anyway here are some pictures taken from the seminar while they are talking about the grade 8 pieces. Well basically the whole seminar is about introducing the new syllabus of the upcoming practical examination by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM in short. Sounds pro. But it's really easy to pass grade 1 of that exam if you hire me as your teacher wakaka). Back to the seminar. I do not have any student taking grade 8 exam thus I did not really pay attention in the end of the seminar where they were covering the grade 8 syllabus. Purely enjoying some songs played by them wakaka. And taken some pictures.
I wanna shout it out because I am so happy that I have attended that seminar!!!!The very likable presenters Vanessa and Timothy.
As if calling friends haha.Jessica, Hong Bee, Pearly
I have actually only written '100' beside the word 'grade 8' because I get this bare pass mark '100' in my grade 8 practical examination (out of 150. ya passing mark is 100 and I get 100). What a disgrace. But the two very creative piano teachers who were sitting beside me added the rest to make my '100' become a pig.
No la. I'm not that happy to the extent that I wanna shout this out.
'I am so happy that I have attended a seminar!'
Sounds like a moron if I really shout this out. =.=
Song Festival
I have mentioned earlier that I'm helping out Jonathan in his church's song festival right?
I have actually taken the lyric from one of the song they will be singing tomorrow. Yea, the title is simple - 'The Happy Song'. I feel their happiness *deeply* whenever they sing 'I wanna shout it out!', thus I hope that by writing 'I wanna shout it out' in as this post's title you can feel my happiness too.
Some pictures taken during their practice.Group Pic. Awww.. Most of them were not there yet. No you don't have to search for me. I was holding the camera.
Wakaka Yee Ling the deputy commander of the group covered her face because she was specky. But doesn't matter la. My hand is damn shaky you see.
The guy who has some terrified and magnetic and intriguing voice when he sang 'east to west'. I feel damn emo whenever I listen to it and I feel like crying although I have yet to learn the lyrics. I told Jonathan that I would fall for him if I just listened to his voice (hidden meaning: with his face covered. Damn bad la me =.=) and Jonathan told me *in a very serious way* that he has already had a girlfriend. =.= Si Jonathan didn't realise that it was a joke. I was merely giving compliments in a more creative way la.
Video of that happy song. The very inspiring 'I wanna shout it out' part is at 1:06 if you are interested. Haha can see that specky Yee Ling~
'I am so happy that I will be playing a part in the song fest.!'
Tomorrow will be our big day. Wish us luck~
What a musical day. Again, I wanna say that I am happy because I am closely connected to music today~ Musical is so magical~ (this is a hint to this matter)
p/s: I will gonna miss them. They are Christians. Imma Buddhist. I do believe that religion is not a matter. I hope that they think the same. =(
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
1:10 AM
wrote a note
Labels: Diary, friends, workaholic