I am not really close to this guy.
When a girl say a guy 'cute', she normally mean that guy is handsome.
I don't define cute in the same way. Frankly speaking, this guy does not have those drop dead gorgeous model look. But still, I think that he is cute.I'm saying this because of his smile.
Remember what I have written in my previous post?
I said,
'There was once, my chinese teacher asked me in the class: "If you could only choose one thing in your life,
what would it be?" "My smile =)". I proudly answered that weird Q she tossed to me, accompanied by a playful grin, showing off my rabbit teeth. That was the real me.'
People said I look hot yadda yadda, but I don't think I look good in those pictures because I can't see me smiling. You see, how a smile is important to me.
I know some of the girls who smile to the mirror, try to catch the best angle of themselves so that they look good in pictures. Well you look fabulous, you look attractive... but so what? That smile is so not real.Girl, let me know if you don't like your picture to be here.
He, the guy who doesn't need to practise smiling in front of the mirror, but still, manage to show us the beauty of smiling.Just look at his smile. (Or grin wakaka)
Not those really layaning type of smile,
Not smiling for the sake of smiling,
he is smiling from his heart, and look at his eyes, smiling eyes.
Wonderful. Incomparably true smile you see.
BUT!! try to imagine this,
so you learn the power of smiling,
you started to smile with your heart,
with your eyes,
with every muscle on your face,
and you confidently flash your smile to everyone you meet in the day.
Then, you back home, look at the mirror, intend to flash the last smile to yourselves before preparing to sleep, and to your horror, you see...
That damn spinach you had for lunch was stuck between your teeth - for one whole day.
Don't you wish that you have never smiled throughout the day?
So Nigel, I am giving you this~~Braun OB S18 toothbrush.
Actually there are some other options of oral care available at RealMart the online shopping centre, such as the Braun D12 Vitality Precision Clean - Oral Care - D12 and the Braun Oral-B Toothbrush - D8013 Bright. The reason of me giving Nigel Braun OB S18 because... because.. erm... it is the most expensive one.
Well, I don't mean that you have to carry that toothbrush everywhere and brush your teeth everytime you have your meal (although it is recommended by dentist)
And I don't mean I have ever seen spinach stuck between your teeth too.But since your smile has become your icon (at least I do think so), I will be happier to see some more flashy smiles~ (cue: Ching)
Keep on spreading that art of smiling~ ^^People, just smile, showing off your teeth.
Like this.Smile. It's not the end of the world=)
*credits to - Nigel himself. All the pictures are stolen from his blog - without his permission. =p
Oh and, thanks to Nuffnang and Realmart, for giving me this idea to blog about. I feel like typing something tonight but I have got nothing to blog about.
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6 years ago
wa...at 1st i tot u fall in love wit his killer smile..kept promoting for him..haha
Nigel's copyright-ed smile haha
hey you got great smile! maybe the eye can be a little bit 'sepet' then can be as cute as nigel already.. but nvm, your smile comes with a 'bling'! good enough! -___-
kakakakkakakaka NIGEL!!!!!!!!
OMG! Cheryl!!!
So many pictures of me!!!
Didn't know I had such a wonderful smile. =)
And really, thank you for giving me the Braun OB S18 toothbrush. I never had these type of toothbrush before.
Some more most expensive one! Waaaaaaa! *am touched & flattered*
So unexpected some more.
You made my Monday blues go away!
SMELL!! oops..i mean..SMILE!!
another fellow blogger from Cheras woooot :P
WAAAAAA Nigel femes hahahahaahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!!
Hmm... Nigel is cute... LoL :D
OMG.... OMG..
you also stole my pictures..cause I feed pictures to nigel..
see..what a great photographer I am...take picture of nigel...girl also fall in love...hahaha...
*god bless everyone*
Hwei Ming perasan case LOL!!!!!!!
[=chuangguan=] well.. his smile is adorable.. no??
[yapthomas] now i know why nigel's smile is so true.. his sepetness!!
[joshuaongys] =.= very funny meh?
[nigelais] you deserve it~ ^^
[yatz] are you one too?
[david cheong] again.. =.= very funny meh? =.= =.= =.=
[sj] 'cute' is subjective~ he's cute for me wakaka..
[choo hwei ming] credits to you too!! Thank you for the pictures!!
[david cheong] nonono.. really shall thank him~ haha..
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