Have been sooooooooooooooooooo busy recently...
For both exams, concert and .. replacement.. duh..
Could it be my busiest moment in my life? I doubted it.. It's just.. busy.. not yet the busiest.. or so far the busiest.. or.. whatsoever..
My schedule run like this in the last couples of weeks:
Monday :
1p.m. - 5p.m. - college
Tuesday :
9.30a.m. - 12.30p.m. - LAN (which usually let us go off earlier)
4p.m. - 6p.m. - work...
8p.m. - 9p.m. - dancing class
Wednesday :
simply hanging out - usually takes up a whole day, i.e. shopping centre during daytime, and pasar malam during night time
Thursday :
11a.m. - 4p.m. - watching over the kids practices
4p.m. - 7p.m. - working
7p.m. - 9p.m. - emcee discussion
Friday :
1p.m. - 6p.m. - College
7p.m. - 9p.m. - Emcee discussion
Saturday :
2p.m. - 7.45p.m. - College
Sunday :
1p.m. - 5.30p.m. - emcee discussion
5.30p.m. - 8p.m. - own practice
Extra little thing :
1) Sports Carnival on 3 days before the mock exam starts.
Erm.. I have never been a sport person - seriously. It was my first time of joining an official netball competition. Get influenced by a person whom I like very much lately - April.
2) Pianoforte Concert Just For you on 2 days before the mock exam starts.
3) Replacement for dear Suet Mun from 12.30p.m. - 4p.m. on a day before the mock exam starts.
See... can't dig out anytime to study.. so... dear parents, do not blame me if I fail... I have did my best for turning up.. Some of my friends did not even attend the mocks.. You may say that I am giving excuses for failing the exams.. but really.. I do not have time to study... n... please... do not count Wednesday in.. It has always been my day to relax..
Alright.. you may say that.. duh.. you asked for it.. don't take up the responsible-LAH if you can't afford it... but.. well.. I love busy life.. I'm not complaining.. I'm just saying that I am busy..
Alright... last paper tomorrow.. Law of contract... shall back to study that now...
Oh.. before that.... some recent pictures taken on those mentioned events..
Sports Carnival
Hooiseh.. see see? that's me~!!! I was running!! under the rain!!!
Nah.... GD arrrrr... the useless GD on the planet~~
Soaked in the rain~
Primary school pose
Camwhoring during the rest of 43 bars out of 300+ bars in my part
In the waiting room while half rehearsal was on - which did not require MC
In the waiting room
With my Musical Family - Hin Ee Jeng was too busy at that moment
Camwhoring at the backstage
Supper at mamak...
Tired lar dude... really have to back to study now... hooi!!! 3.31a.m.!! more coming soon~~~~
hey my dear~~
jus hanging here to read ur blog...
quite interesting~~
thanks yea..
guessing game playing in my mind...
my baby? he won't really say 'gambateh'...
Ying Huey? could be..
who else? anyone from the college..
anywayzzzz... really thanks alot!!!!
oooooooo.... grandma........
okokok.... thanks summer~~~~~~
I love to laugh at ppl who is taking LAN. sorry. coz it is such a dam pathetic compulsory-useless-wasting time & energy subject.
Hope u have a good day with LAN. and OI! Movie!!!
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