The most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life is this cutie called the sea angel.Ignore the devil horn - they still look very angelic with the pair of wings and the way they swim.
I have only seen them once in my life in the Underwaterworld Singapore.
Today, I saw something similar which reminded me of these lil cuties.Not plastic, not glass, not silicone, not anything solid.
This angel is formed by none others but the most abundant molecules in the world, H2O~And I find this the growth process of the cuties, tsk tsk tsk... Creativenya aku~ [=.=|||||||||]
Afterall, I still have to show you the actual picture. One which is not concealed with imagination and creativity.
Nah.Water from the host. Not difficult to spot isn't it??.
Will upload more tomorrow.
Good night people~
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The angels
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
2:15 AM
wrote a note
Labels: shoots
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Am too lazy to think of any creative title.
Have so used to the laziness nowadays.
Simple enough, hosting.
*comparatively few pictures were uploaded. My guests simply don't like to take pictures*
One Friday night, as usual, I had my labtop on my lab, watching tv while fooling around on the net, an US girl named Tamer text me on, told me that she and her sisters (two of them, aged 16 and 14 relatively) were staying at a guesthouse at Petaling Street by then, and asked if I could lend them a space for few days.
Then, you know what happened la. I promised. I wouldn't be here, writing this post, if I hadn't promised.
So on the next day, I picked them up at Petaling Street, and brought them to 金莲记 for lunch, thought that they would enjoy it.
Well, as I said, that was merely my thought.
I ordered claypot lou shu mee, Cantonese styled Yin Yong and the very famous Hokkien mee of which 金莲记 is known for (plus pork chop, which they requested for). Being someone whose college is at Petaling Street, of course I know what are good here.
It turned out to be... the 2 younger ones can't eat shrimp. If they were to eat it, somewhere at their neck would get swollen which leads to suffocation and... die.
Which means. Cantonese styled Yin Yong and Hokkien mee.
They could only have pork chop and Claypot Lou shu mee.
And they don't like it. Hence in the end, they eat very little, while the elder sister and me finished almost everything (except for the pork chop).
Anyway, let's skip the unhappy stuff (or rather happy stuff cause I got to eat all of my favs in one meal) and move on.
We then went to the Golden Triangle. The typical tourist spot.
Even am not a tourist the frequency of me going there is quite high as well.
Their purpose of coming to KL is not shopping hence we were basically mall hopping. From Time Square to Sungei Wang then to Lot 10 and head to Pavillion and lastly backed to Times Square again of which, the youngest one Caitlin requested some 'typical Western food' for dinner.
Papa John we went.
Selepas dinner, we walked through the cinema and little Hannah got really high when she saw the Harry Potter poster.
(yes. Harry Potter. I hosted them one month ago)
And then, yes, we went into the cinema.
They told me that they wouldn't be able to watch that as they would be traveling for another four months. The two young ones are not studying in the school anymore and their education is based on home schooling.
Tsk tsk tsk, something that us Asian would not go for.
'huh your son is not studying anymore?'
'haiyah how can let children travel liddat leh?'
'then cannot enter uni leh...
cannot enter uni cannot get cert leh..
cannot get cert cannot get rich leh..
cannot get rich cannot get family leh...'
Anyway, where was I?
Oh yea. Times Square. Papa John's. Harry Potter. Then home. And sleep.
Then it was noon when we woke up on the next day.
This is a boring day. I just brought them to buy some of their essentials, and some of the knitting tool (Chung Shang Hui is going to learn knitting~) and I went to fetch my brother at KL Central which we would passby National Muzeum (and we went) and then I went to work and my brother took care of them by bringing them to some food court and... The end.
The third day was rather exciting.
You would not have guessed what they wanted to do.
So they looked on wikipedia, and found out this volunteering program in the National Zoo and they got really excited about it and...
We went. I dragged my brother along as well.
I'd never thought of how a volunteer program in the zoo would be - I dare not to think of it.
I'm afraid of disappointment.
Since I have never tried it, there's no harm in doing so, right?
(yea the only harm is that Cheras ---> National Zoo = VERY FAR.
And I did not know the road to the zoo [thank you map] Shut up now I know already MRR2 go straight right? I'm smart thank you yadda yadda)
Alright, so we reached there at about 8.00am - on time. Malaysian timing doesn't apply on me when I am responsible for something. If we ever late for that, we wouldn't be entertained for that day and we would have to go for the next day.
I hate it when my guests get disappointed.
We went in this place called the education department and waited to be distributed.
And we got this sticker written 'Zoo Negara Volunteer'.Yea right.
The conclusion of all is that - it is not fun at all - except while feeding the bears and the otters.Long tongue~
Preparing for supplement for the bears with bread wrapped around and dipped with honey~
And feed~
The demanding looks of the otters are cute~!!
We were basically doing something unproductive. Something that they wouldn't have done it if they were no so called volunteers.
For example,okay this is not an example. My guests were cleaning the bear cage - it's a daily routine of a zookeeper, so they basically would do it even without us.
But for us....Cleaning some literally bullshit place. It was besides the cage of the bulls.
So really, don't be surprised if you find any bullshi here.
*break*Resting with the zookeeper.
The only zookeeper who treated us as human.Biscuit from the states for teatime~
*back to work* >.< Bergotong-royong in cleaning the fish breeding area.
And... the end of the day.
At night we went to Malaysian's favourite place, the mamak stall.
The two young ones who craved for sugar love roti tisu to bits...
Ahhh.. Finally. There is some edible Eastern food. =.=
And that was the last night they slept at my place~
Sent them to KL Sentral next day, and yeap, that's the end of the story.
*like writing any essay during high school, we will have to write a conclusion - more often we would write down our own feeling towards the whole matter and that's what I'm gonna do now*
Hosting... Can be quite tiring.
Well, traditionally, you do not have to chauffeur and tour them around but I do believe in Karma. I was treated damn well when I was hosted hence I wanted my guests to leave a good impression about me too, particularly, about Malaysia.
It is not difficult to talk to someone that you don't know at all - afterall, you don't know them! You can basically share EVERYTHING because you know nothing about them.
Two weeks after that, I hosted an Austrian girl who is 3 months younger than me.
More pictures were taken with that girl and I will write about that in my post.
Btw, can I have some cream cheese frosting from the states? (they brought it around because they two young ones are sucker for sweet stuff)
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
2:28 PM
wrote a note
Labels: friends, Pictures, Stupid stuff I did, workaholic
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I want to write more.. but...
I need to travel to Shah Alam tomorrow morning. At 6.30am.
(Sweat kao kao. KL- Shah Alam only ma)
Hence I have to sleep earlier.
Haiyah it's not easy for me to bring up the mood to write you know??
I have the mood today but circumstances doesn't permit it.
Nevermind. Try harder tomorrow.
(ceh. As if you have lots of readers. Keep skin okay?)
Good night people~
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
11:46 PM
wrote a note
Labels: Blablabla
I have the mood to show you pictures.
Of the Kota Kinabalu trip.
The whole trip was really packed.
We went clubbing on the night of arrival.
Island hopping on the second day.
Water rafting on the third.
Then up to Kundasang and stayed up for one night on the fourth and fifth.
On the last day, we toured around KK town.
Hmm... Let me think which day to talk about first.
I don like to talk about it in order ark. Can or not? (can... it's your blog ma. Talk whichever you want la)
Ok then. I will write about.. Island hopping. Or clubbing.
(Haiyah nothing special about clubbing la. The club is lousy - by that I mean Shenanigan's at Hyatt Regency.)
Okla. Then write about island hopping lor.
(shit I'm talking to myself again. Stop lorrrrr)
Island. Means sun. And sea. And sand.
Do not expect bikinis from me. My tummy is impressively scary. Hence...
Yeap. It's good to have it covered. We first went to Sapi Island - which was nothing special.
We were actually prohibited to snorkel at one particular spot. Jellyfish season or sea urchin season or something like that.
We moved to another spot - which had nothing to see but sands. Sands = sienz.
We took a few pictures, and we moved to Manukan.
I tell you, if you can find someone who can look good in snorkelling gear, I give you 50 cents - because none of us do. Alright I know that we didn't look really gorgeous even without the gear but then we looked 100 times uglier with that gear. Proven by pictures.She will kill me if she knows it. But again, she doesn't read my blog. So yea it's okay.
Before we talk about Manukan, look at Yen Ying's eye. Anyone out there feel like you wanna take care of this pity her?? She's single.
The right one, to be particular. Sand gone in or not used to salty sea water or something like that. She kept on tearing. It's rare leh to see someone crazy like her tear. Anyway she was still laughing even when she teared.
And next. Manukan island.Bye Sapi. I won't miss you. You are not pretty at all. Hmph.
It wasn't a sunny day. I secretly felt happy for that because I hate the tanned me. I had it enough in my St John's training. I looked terrible in tan. But!!! I didn't want it to drizzle either!!! which it did!!! Which... We couldn't take nice pictures!!! And most importantly... we wouldn't be able to play flying fish if the drizzling got heavier!!!
Yes it was expensive (RM60 once) but then we still wanted to play!! We had mentally prepare for the game and when we told that we might not be able to play we could literally feel the disappointment wave rush over us lor!!
But you know what???
Heh heh heh.
Again. I think I had been a good girl and hence, the weather turned good. (Thank you God!)
We could see the sun again and the staff finally willing to bring us out the sea - and go for Flying fish!!!
The boat ride was good - the spot to play the game was quite far from the island and we were glad! Thank God none of us is prone to sea sickness~
And solo.Elaine.
Yen Ying. No more red eye yay!
Hi.Ahaha (cold laugh) lamenya.
Me and bian tai po Ng Yen Ying went for it first. She has such a name because she is obsessed with those crazy games. E.g, bungy jump, parachuting, etc.etc. Anyway, Nat and Elaine wanted the mild one, and me has to go for the wild one with si bian tai po.Why I looked so niang here?
The whole game is about the strength of your biceps. You have to grasp the handle in the whole 10 minutes - otherwise, you would fall. I thought of letting us falling in the last minute because we should try everything shouldn' t we??? Afterall we were wearing safe jacket and we would be safe (eh eh eh... not because I was lack of energy okay, I really thought of letting it go ON PURPOSE). But we didn't make it because it was too latee boohooo hooo...Thank you abang whatever.
After that game, we backed to Manukan Island again. From jetty.
We went snorkelling and that was when my Olympus mju 850 which claimed to be waterproof shockproof and shit died. I couldn't turn it on and the dealer helped me to hand it to Olympus (which costed me RM60 T.T 2 dresses T.T18 pairs earrings T.T 15 cupcakes T.T) and they said that the motherboard is hangkang and it would cost me blardy RM796 to repair it.
T.T. I've got no choice but to buy a new one. T.T.
Nevermind la. Look at this series of pictures. The quality ain't that good right???
Not sharp at all right?? Time to change right??
(sigh... Very rich arrr you?)
Anyway. Let me show you the last picture taken by my baby.
What the fuck. Literally.
Composed by
Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui
10:43 PM
wrote a note
As in... Fireflies~!!!
Which means... Kuala Selangor~!!
That links to... Seafood~!!
And the total unrelated one... Durian~!!
Well, I'd (note: had. No longer, because I'd been there woo lala~) been dying to watch fireflies at Kuala Selangor, despite that I have watched it last two years in Sabah. Guess I had been a really good girl this year and God granted me the chance for it.It so happened that Yen Ying wanted to watch too, and she demanded Nat's boyfriend, Yong to bring us along and we never thought that he took it seriously (and when I said so I do mean that he took it seriously and hence!! We got to watch!!!!) (*wet eyes)
From left: Ying, Nat, Me
Lesson of the day: Voice out your desires. And Yen Ying really did a good job.Why that expression??!
We started off our trip (yea, a 5 hour trip) with food. When you tag along these girls, you really can't escape from good food. They are experts in it. Their expertise will be proven by the following pictures.Despo. As usual. (be it for food or a relationship)
Cream butter prawn. So good. The ultimate guilty pleasure is to finish off the butter floss. Can you imagine?? When the heavenly salty floss melts in your mouth, followed by a tinge of sweetnessss. Walao eh........ How come my dad never ordered this? We often go for those creamy wet type.
Sauna Lala. MUST TRY. The taste is not as special as the way they cook it anyway. But the sauce is good~
Bit bit of sour plus bit bit of salty. Perfect combination with the tasteless lala.Yes yong. We know that. Lu LAla Lu lala lula lula ley.
Oh Jian. Whoa. Best of all. You fried your own egg+ oyster with the sizzling pan. But more expensive than the common oh jian. RM16 as compared to the usual RM5 or RM8.
Fishy. Not as good as what I had in Sabah.
Beh. Just to reduce the guiltiness. It is good anyway.
Shit I feel hungry now. I just had oat for dinner.
Walao that sizzling oh jian was ooolalaly sizzling good - anyway, anything with eggs are good.
Alright, then... The main dish - the kelip-kelip!! The name kelip-kelip is so suggesting - they really sounds like they are blinking.
We waited for about 30 minutes before we could really took the ride. Unfortunately, no lengzais were around hence had to find something else to do. Like...
Fireflies gazing. See la. It's fat now isn't it?? You wait. You better save it in your m2 months later I will take another picture of my legs again. And it will be much slimmer than this one. You wait.
And.... finally!!! The most exciting moment!! We couldn't really express our excitement because we were required to keep quiet - which was really difficult for us...
Basically the whole ride was quiet - except for the kecak-kecak voice made by Yong's DSLR. Yes, supposely, no camera is allowed - he brought it anyway.
Fireflies are... beautiful as I have thought it to be. Even a DSLR failed to show the beauty of fireflies.
But the truth is, no disappointment. The one you capture with your own eyes are the best.
The sky was even prettier - it is not easy to describe how pretty was it (because I have limited vocab.. =.= Okay I will read more)
Thank you picture. It was something like that - not entirely dark. Malaysia's 9.30pm sky not suppose to be like that. It's suppose to be darker I think. And this was like those perfect scene for the horror movies. As if a crocodile would attack us anytime. Or maybe a python.
And....End of kelip-kelip watching.
And you know what's next??
Scroll up again and see what I have written...
Or scroll down to see what I will be writing...
It was... whoa.... Heaven. As if I had not had durians for years.
But the truth is that, I haven't had durians for months. (which is quite long for a durian-lover for me, okay??)
Yes, thank you Ah Yong~
Those we had eaten were not the high quality type but it was sufficient to satisfy my craze for it. (shit I feel like eating again)Eat more la eat more la. Look at your very impressive waistline. Look at your very wow arms. Not forgetting the thighs. Eat. Eat. Eat more.
Perfect trip we had. Good one, Yong and Nat. (and Yen Ying too!!)The end.