Monday, September 29, 2008


Being a really sampat person, today I went for... for... rrr...

... palm reading.Haiyah. Curious ma. Duh.

Yea very aunty I know.
Call la call me aunty la. Not the first time being addressed aunty. hmph.

So these were what he could predict by looking at my eyes, brows, face, ears, palms, yadda yadda with his magnifying glass:
1. I'm a lucky girl who is carrying 95% of positive luck.
2. I will have a life span of 85 years.
3. I won't meet any major accident in the coming 3 years.
4. I will be a very successful woman in the future.
5. I will have 30+ staffs work for me in the futre.
6. I will get married with a matchy successful man too.
7. I will get married late. (T.T)
8. I will face lotsa failures before meeting my Mr. Right.
9. I will have lotsa of children if I want to. (yay~!)
That's not all he said. But I forgotten the rest.

I am happy for what he said but seriously, this is not what I want.

I want to get married at my age of 26,
give birth to my first baby (preferably a baby girl) at the age of 27,
get another baby at the age of 29.
Or maybe another 2 at my age of 31 and 32 - if possible.
I wish to have 4 children, so that they can chor dee and play mahjong and play Monopoly like what me and my siblings are doing now.
Preferably 2 guys and 2 girls. =D
(yea yea yea dream on. Naive duiz.)
I don't want to face those failures (according to that gong woo lou or fong shui lou or whatever you call him) before meeting the one lar... (duh who wants that?)..
I don't want to get married that late la....

Nevermind. I will only believe in those good stuff~ lalala.
I'm not superstitious to the extent that I would believe in every word he said la.
I don't want my life to be negatively influenced by him lor.
If I believe blindly in what he said, it's very unfair to my 2nd boyfriend lor.
Right right??

Live on~!!!!
(and dream on.... a hubby like my dad and 4 children like me and my siblings~!!)


Unknown said...

Hey Cheryl, I serious love ur blog sometimes, really a girls topic to go to.
You ar... ha ha... shud i say geng? As you plan so many things where I dont plan yet at this early stage leh...having how many children la... this & that la...detail until they can play chor dee & etc. Cool man!!!
Ha ha...
Happy Bkt Tinggi trip!!
Miss ya!!!
hugs hugs!!

Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui said...

[cocktail_ring] too bad everything is destined... I can't decide on it....