Sunday, March 16, 2008

A little difference between betina and jantan

betina = female
jantan = male


This is a corner from Yellow Post.

And this is a sticker.
(my students love stickers. That's why I have a pretty large collection of stickers. Ranging from cartoons, shapes.. yea there are only 2 types. anyway this is not the point)

Weird shape. What a sticker.

So, what would a betina, i.e., me, Yellow Post + Sticker =?

Inspired by the Hong Kong soup 'to grow with love', I made this.

See, an unknown species of flower with pink, purple and blue petals!! how dolce~~~

And what could a jantan, i.e., Arthur came out with this sticker and Yellow Post?


Inspired by...well, this is just about testosterone hormone.

Can't you see that?? the shiny blinkie stick??
How can you not see the difference?? Scroll up again dude.

How not romantic. Duh.