Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another 2 gone

Another 2 teeth got extracted today. Note: 2 healthy teeth.

Shit!! I didn't bring back my teeth today!! I left them there!!

Aiks.. forget it... those dentist-wannabe was actually asking for my teeth for practical purpose.. I'm doing something good anywayz...


Dan-yel said...

Good to know that you're donating your teeth for 'research'. They'll extract your DNA out and reproduce another Cheryl. That way, you can pass or attend classes without having to be there. Remember to tell them to send you a clone. Hohoho!

Anonymous said...

sacrifice for future good.

You are the WARRIOR!!!

Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui said...

Dan-yel: Yes!!I'd rather hope that they would do so!!! A baby who looks exactly like me.. how nice...

Aliya: for my own good only la..

Anonymous said...

man... i so totally understand what you're going through... T_T I had 7 tooth extracted!!!! Omg man...I kekurangan gigi.... T______T Somemore so stupid...cos my first orthodontist pulled out the wrong 3 tooth. Then I switched to a specialist and he pulled out the 4 tooth I was suppose to pull out from the I end up kekurangan 7 gigi. T_____T

Cheryl a.k.a. Shang Hui said...

heidi: 7!!!
that's really kua zhiong.....
blame ur earlier dentist...